Arizona Medical Association

The Arizona Medical Association is a voluntary membership organization for physicians in Arizona. ArMA supports physicians and their patients in many ways through effective communication, financial guidance and thoughtful legislative efforts.

We hope you find our site interesting and easy to navigate, but most importantly, useful. Our goal, with this website, is to provide our members with a wealth of information related to their profession and running their practices. For the non-member, we hope you will discover how valuable ArMA is to medicine in Arizona and join us.

ArMA has been advocating for physicians and their patients for more than 112 years. We support our members and their patients in many ways through effective communication, financial guidance and thoughtful legislative efforts. Our members' number one priority is quality patient care - and we do everything we can to make sure that happens right here in Arizona.

Mission and History

The roots of the Arizona Medical Association go back to the late nineteenth century. Back then, physicians did not have hospital facilities and many lived in remote locations - unable to get help or consultation when needed. In 1892, Dr. Joshua Miller, then president of the Maricopa County Medical Society, along with four other physicians, sent a letter to all Arizona physicians calling for a meeting to establish a Territorial Medical Society. A few days later, Dr. Miller was elected the first president of the newly formed Arizona Medical Association.

ArMA Code of Ethics

Principles of medical ethics American Medical Association

Approved by the Arizona Medical Association

Preamble: The medical profession has long subscribed to a number of ethical statements developed primarily for the benefit of the patient. As a member of this profession, a physician must recognize his responsibility not only to patients, but also to society, other health care professionals and to himself. The following Principles, adopted by the American Medical Association, are not laws, but standards of conduct that define the essence of honorable behavior for the physician.

I. A physician should be dedicated to providing competent medical services with compassion and respect for human dignity and rights.

II. A physician shall uphold standards of professionalism, be honest in all professional interactions, and strive to report those physicians who are deficient in character or competence, or who engage in fraud or deceit, to the proper authorities.

III. A physician will respect the law and will also recognize his responsibility to seek changes in those requirements that are contrary to the best interests of the patient.

IV. A physician will respect the rights of patients, colleagues and other health care professionals, and will protect the patient's trust within the constraints of the law.

V. The physician will continue to study, apply and promote scientific knowledge, engage in medical education, make relevant information available to patients, colleagues and the public, seek consultation, and utilize the talents of other health care professionals when appropriate.

VI. A physician, in providing proper patient care, except in emergencies, will be free to choose whom to serve, with whom to contract, with whom to cooperate, and the environment in which to provide medical services.

VII. The physician recognizes his responsibility to participate in activities that contribute to the betterment of the community and public health.

VIII. While caring for a patient, the physician should regard responsibility to the patient as paramount.

IX. A physician will support access to medical care for all people.

How does ArMA work?

The Arizona Medical Association (ArMA) is a voluntary membership organization for physicians in Arizona. ArMA lobbies the state capital on issues affecting physicians and patients. Resolutions may be proposed by the board of directors, any member of the house of representatives, any county association, any committee of the association, or a petition signed by 20 or more members of the association. Resolutions are submitted to the house of delegates for review.

Health Topics

Here you will find information on various diseases, disorders and illnesses. We have also included a list of clinics. Some of them offer their services for free or at a reduced rate.

Which doctor is right for you?

Should you see an internist or a general practitioner? Should you see a cardiologist or a gastroenterologist for that chest pain? What do all those "gists" and "ists" mean?

Health and safety tips

Click here to access health and safety tips that will be helpful to you and your family.

Laws and regulations

Check out the latest ArMA efforts at the state legislature. Also see what ArMA has done to prepare for HIPAA compliance.


MDRecord version 5.0.3 is now available for download to your PC. Learn more about the reference software database that includes the updated GACCP and universal format, streamlines the process, reduces paperwork and improves efficiency. This software is FREE to ArMA members.

Complaints from providers

ArMA membership gives you access to a downloadable and printable complaint form created in partnership with the Arizona Department of Insurance.

Benefit 1 : Unite with your colleagues, more than 4,500, who advocate for physician and patient rights.

Benefit 2 : Receive the latest information on national and state laws and regulations and other current news relevant to medicine.

Benefit 3 : Receive exclusive rates on special services and products designed to make your practice operate more efficiently.

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