Super P Force


P-force for a firm erection and delayed orgasm.

Super p force is composed of two active components, sildenafil, which is the active component of viagra and ensures a long and hard erection and dapoxetine, the active component of priligy, which delays ejaculation. This combination is medically justified and thus has a double effect.

Kamagra provides a long-lasting and powerful erection and the dapoxetine prevents premature ejaculation. This product allows you to experience a sexual experience that is totally new to you.

40 to 60 minutes after taking it, you will notice the maximum effect of kamagra and super p-force. When it starts working, you can experience an unprecedented sexual experience, without limits. Important information and side effects of super p force active ingredients sildenafil citrate, dapoxetine dosage super p force is available in a dosage of sildenafil citrate 100 mg, dapoxetine 60mg

You should not take more than the daily maximum dosage of 100 mg.


Take a super p force tablet about 30 to 45 minutes before sexual intercourse. Effects super p force combines the powerful potency-supporting effects of sildenafil citrates and properties that delay orgasm with the active ingredients of dapoxetin. Sildenafil is the active ingredient of viagra and has reliable effects.

After sexual stimulation, powerful and sustained erections are possible. Priligy contains dapoxetin which effectively prevents premature ejaculation. By combining the two drugs, you get a medication that prevents two problems at once. Contraindications Side effects may not occur, but contraindications cause complications. So pay very close attention to this.

Do not take super p force if you:

● are being treated with other male enhancement products at the same time
● Are taking antidepressants or other psychotropic drugs at the same time
● Have severe heart disease or low blood pressure
Also take enzyme-inhibiting drugs
● Have disorders of the retina
● are prone to priapism and penile deformities
● have a serious disorder of the functionality of the liver or kidneys
● suffer from gastrointestinal heartburn
● Have seizures or cramps
● are younger than 18 years old.

Side effects

Side effects are undesirable effects of an active ingredient that may, but do not necessarily occur. The compatibility of each active ingredient depends largely on each patient.

Side effects that may occur with super p force are:

disorders of vision
red skin with heat sensation (intoxication)
feeling of fullness, abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea and vomiting
fatigue or insomnia
diarrhea - stuffy nose
priapism interactions
You should never use super p force if you are taking drugs containing nitrates or no-donors at the same time. Under no circumstances should you combine treatment with psychopharmaceuticals, such as so-called ssri, snri, mao inhibitors or serotoninergic medications (this includes medications such as St. John's wort).

Special Notes

The side effects of super p force are a combination of the effects of each active ingredient, sildenafil and dapoxetine. Therefore, take careful note of our information on the respective kamagra and priligy generic dapoxetine products.


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